Cowboys - A documentary portrait

By Kate McLaughlin

Cowboys - A documentary portrait

Kate McLaughlin reviews this 1922 films production which depicts the life of the modern cowboy.

Brought to life by 1922 films, this documentary is co-written and directed by John Langmore - a former working cowboy first, and photographer second, and Bud Force - an award-winning director and cinematographer, and former rodeo cowboy, who has spent a decade producing brand films and documentaries around the world. This is a first-hand account of what it is like to be a modern working cowboy. Shot in a classic western style, you truly see how vast these ranches are, and the sheer scope of the country covered. It really is a different way of life.

The ranches that are featured are all full crew horseback ranches, which John had spent time photographing and working on to create his book Open Range (Twin Palm Publishers). 

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